Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) Core Skills

Christopher Germer and Regula Saner

Zurich, 10th/11th September 2022

This weekend seminar is an introduction to Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), an empirically-supported eight-week training programme that is currently being taught throughout the world. It is based on clinical work by Chris Germer and research by Kristin Neff.

MSC brings together the inner skills of mindfulness and self-compassion in order to improve our capacity for emotional wellbeing. Mindfulness is the first step—turning with loving awareness toward difficult experiences (emotions, sensations, thoughts). Then comes self-compassion—we bring loving awareness to ourselves. Together, mindfulness and self-compassion comprise a state of warm, connected presence.

Self-compassion is a resource that enables us to accept ourselves, to develop inner strength and to flourish. Recent research shows that self-compassion is linked to a greater sense of emotional wellbeing, the ability to cope more effectively with life’s challenges, lower levels of anxiety and depression, healthier diets, increased physical activity and more satisfying personal relationships.

After taking part in this workshop, you will be able to

  • practice self-compassion in your everyday life
  • understand the science behind self-compassion
  • motivate yourself with kindness instead of criticism
  • deal with difficult emotions more easily
  • prevent “compassion fatigue”
  • actively cultivate the art of enjoyment
  • teach self-compassion exercises to your clients

The two-day MSC Core Skills seminar presents the core elements of the eight-week MSC training and includes presentations, meditation, practical exercises and group discussions.
No previous experience with mindfulness or meditation is required to take part in this seminar.

The course will take place in English (Chris Germer) and German (Regula Saner) with consecutive interpreting of the English parts in German.

Psychologists FSP can have the seminar participation credited with 14 continuing education units at the FSP.

Optional accompanying events:



The venues are all within walking distance of the Kirchgemeindehaus Wiedikon. A table will be reserved for the “MSC seminar”. Each participant pays for their own food and drink.
For the lunches, registration is required by 9 September 2022 to info@salamanderverlag.ch.


Christopher Germer, PhD

  • Clinical psychologist and lecturer on psychiatry at Harvard Medical School
  • Developer of the Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) programme



Regula Saner

  • Psychologist (FSP) and state-approved psychotherapist
  • Certified MBSR and MSC instructor in Basel



Silvia Pfeifer (assistant)
Certified MSC instructor in Winterthur


Out of stock

Title of event and teachers
Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) Core Skills

Christopher Germer and Regula Saner

Target group
All are welcome.
The seminar provides useful tools that help psychiatrists, psychotherapists, counsellors, educators, social workers and specialists in other care professions in their day-to-day work.
Event schedule

Day 1: Saturday, 10th September 2022, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Day 2: Sunday, 11th September 2022, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Event location

Kirchgemeindehaus Wiedikon, Bühlstrasse 9/11, Zurich; from Zurich’s central station (Hauptbahnhof), 12 min on tram 14 (in the direction of “Triemli”)
Plan your trip with Google Maps

Suggested reading

Christopher Germer, The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion, Guilford Press
Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer, The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook, Guilford Press

Cancellation policy
  • If a participant cancels their attendance before the start of the event, part of the event fee will be reimbursed on request (e-mail to info@salamanderverlag.ch)
    ■ Up to 60 days before the start of the event: 50% of the event fee
    ■ Up to 30 days before the start of the event: 30% of the event fee
    No fees will be reimbursed if participation is cancelled less than 30 days before the start of the event.
    We advise you to take out cancellation insurance, such as the “Cancellation charges for further training” policy from Allianz Travel. The insurance premiums are usually approximately 4% of the event fee paid.
  • Persons who have registered for the event and have paid their participation fee but do not want / are not able to attend the event (anymore) are entitled to transfer their right to participate to another person. This person must show the booking confirmation on admission to the event.
  • Should a person only participate in a part of the event, this does not entitle them to reimbursement of (a proportion of) the event fee.
  • If the event cannot take place, such as due to illness on the part of a teacher or a lack of participants, the registered person is entitled to receive full reimbursement of the event fee paid.
Price reductions
50% price reduction for

  • Persons under 30 years old in full-time education: please send a copy of your ID and student card to info@salamanderverlag.ch to obtain a voucher code
  • Certified MSC teachers: please send a copy of your training certificate to info@salamanderverlag.ch to obtain a voucher code
Participating in the event is at the participants’ own risk. The teachers and the organiser shall not be liable in any way for physical injury or material damage arising from participation on the course.